Monday, January 1, 2024,
Happy New Year, friends. I wish you all the best. This is a pair of photos I took just yesterday. As far as I can recall, this is the first time I’ve ever posted pics of myself here at Joe Kayaker. And now, you can see why. 🙂
The little beauty beside and atop me is Marigold. She’s the newest Possum that I am helping to train to become an Animal Ambassador at Sweetbriar Nature Center in Smithtown, New York. Marigold is a doll and very human-friendly, although it did take a bit of work to get her there. This poor orphan was the runt of her litter. In fact, she was so small that after just a few weeks, her brothers and sisters were twice her size. Her siblings will all be released, but this little girl is just too petite to make it in the real world. Happily, for her and for us, she is acclimating to life at Sweetbriar.
Yesterday was the first time I walked around with her on my shoulder. Before then, we’d been cuddling her in our arms or letting her snuggle into our hoodies. However, if I’m going to take her into the yard to see the world and greet folks, she needs to become comfortable on my shoulders or chest. Luckily, Possums are amazing climbers and clambering about on a biped presents few challenges for these wonderful marsupials. JK.
Go, Marigold! The perfect ‘possum to celebrate Spark Day this year — she’s the token flower! 🙂
🙂 JK.
I looked very closely at the pictures, I see your father, but not you.
Hi Tom. It can’t be my father. He was always smiling. 🙂 JK