A Bullfrog Saves The Day

Monday, August 27, 2018,

This a medium sized Bullfrog that I found at Frank Melville Park in Setauket. Frank Melville was my second stop after visiting Avalon. I had spent the entire morning hauling around two cameras and a tripod. I saw plenty of birds and butterflies. I had lots and lots of photo ops, and just as many blown opportunities. Some days are like that. Heck, a lot of days are like that. Such is life as a nature photographer. Luckily, I came across this Bullfrog while searching in a spot that has been lucky for me in the past. I was looking for dragonflies but I was not disappointed to find this guy seemingly looking up directly at me. After getting this shot, I circled around and managed to get another shot from a different angle. I took 778 photographs today, and these two shots were among the last pics I took all day. They were also the only ones I liked. Thank you Mister Bullfrog. You salvaged an otherwise fruitless outing. JK




Bullfrogs in November?

Sunday, November 5, 2017,


Bullfrogs in November? On Long Island? It’s a world gone mad. Or warm at any rate. This has been an amazingly mild Autumn here on Long Island. There are still Monarch Butterflies fluttering about that should have been on their way to warmer climes weeks ago and just two days ago I came across a pond full of frogs. I was walking through Morton Wildlife Refuge in Sag Harbor when I came across these two handsome brutes and several of their friends in a small pond. To say I was surprised would be an understatement. I mean, who would expect to find frogs sunning themselves this far north this late in the season? Heck, it’s not even their season. I went to Morton to look for turkeys, not frogs. I didn’t find any of the turkeys so I guess I’m happy to have seen the frogs. Happy, but a little confused. JK




Yuri: Now and Then

Thursday, August 11, 2016,


Meet Yuri. Handsome brute, no? Or lass, nobody really knows and it doesn’t matter. Yuri is the Bullfrog that has taken up residence at a local artist’s backyard pond. Now, admittedly, a Bullfrog claiming a pond is not front page news but Yuri is the first frog of any species to make a home in this pond in the seventeen years since it was built. The pond has finally been discovered. The top pic is a shot of Yuri at the end of July. This next shot was taken two months earlier, when he was still just a pup. It’s hard to see from these two pics but July Yuri could have swallowed May Yuri whole. My, they do grow quickly. JK

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Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy

Wednesday, August 10, 2016,


This could be the frog that ate The Who. This is not the biggest frog (by far) that I’ve ever seen but it might be one of the fattest. I found this beast sunning itself on a tree limb that had fallen across a small stream in Caleb Smith Preserve in Smithtown. These pics were taken back in mid-May so who knows what this critter has been up to since then. And, yes, I am behind in my posts. More to come. JK
