Slaty Skimmer

Tuesday, July 28, 2020,

This is a male Slaty Skimmer (Libellula incesta) that I encountered at Frank Melville Park in Setauket. Of course, when I took this photograph, it was just a big blue dragonfly to me. Luckily, we here at Joe Kayaker have a dragonfly expert on staff who was able to ID this guy for me. My friend Annette has been identifying dragonflies for me since 2014. Besides being a bonafide dragonfly expert, Annette is the author of several blogs. You may want to check them out as she is also an excellent photographer. There’s lots of eye candy in her blogs. JK.


Carolina Saddlebags

Friday, September 27, 2019,

This is a male Carolina Saddlebags Dragonfly, (aka Tramea carolina), that I photographed in a salt marsh in Oceanside. I am no one’s idea of a dragonfly expert but I do happen to have one on staff. Well, okay, I don’t actually have any staff to speak of but I do know a few experts in different fields and they manage to make me sound informed. Annette, my dragonfly expert, has been identifying these amazing insects for me since 2014. She has her own blog, Dragonfly Dazed, where you can find dozens of great photographs of both dragonflies and damselflies. Check it out, it’s pretty cool. JK

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