Some Springtime Green

Wednesday, April 18, 2018,

This is a Great Egret in breeding colors and plumage. You really can’t see much of the plumage in this shot but just look at that green in its face. Even the Hulk would be impressed with that color. I took this pic in the late afternoon at Frank Melville Park. This is a good time of year and Frank Melville is a good place to catch these guys in action. Come down to the park and take a stroll. It’s a beautiful place. JK

A Sure Sign Of Spring

Tuesday, April 15, 2014,

20140414081002-5x7w2Spring is in the air and the Ospreys are back. I’ve been missing these guys. I’ve been seeing many of my favorite migrators since mid March. On St. Patty’s Day I saw my first Greater Yellowlegs, then on the 30th a Great Egret showed up. I spied a Double-crested Cormorant fishing with the few remaining Common Mergansers on April Fool’s Day. I don’t get to see that very often. Two days later I saw an Osprey emerging from the Nissy with a silvery prize. And two days after that I saw my first Snowy Egret. The gang’s all here and I’m very happy about it. JK