Cryptic Chick

Tuesday, September 11, 2018,

Check out at how well this young Wild Turkey blends into the background. Full grown Turkeys don’t have many natural predators here on Long Island but their chicks, which are also known as poults, need to keep out of sight and off the menu. A fox or even one of the larger hawks could easily make a meal out of a young Turkey. I imagine that’s the reason that poults don’t dress as flashily as their fathers. JK

Turkey Snow Angels

Friday, March 16, 2018,

I was hiking through the Elizabeth A. Morton Refuge the day after a snow storm recently. In many places, my own boot prints were the first tracks in the snow, but not everywhere. I may have been the first human to have visited the refuge since the storm but there were plenty of critters who had left their mark before I got there. From squirrels to deer prints and the tracks of  turkeys and countless smaller birds, there were many signs of non-human visitations. I love seeing all those fresh tracks in the snow but these snow angels à la Wild Turkeys were perhaps the coolest animal tracks I saw all day. In the above photo, you can see the tracks of a deer that walked over the “angel”. The photo below shows a snow angel that was directly to the left of the photo above. I was unable to discern whether one turkey made both snow angels or if there were two turkeys working in tandem. Either way, it sure was a great find. JK.




More Turkey Shots

Friday, March 9, 2012,

A few days back a good friend of mine told me that I needed to post some “pretty” turkey shots. He felt that “people with little outdoor experience, especially kids, are going to consider wild turkeys as hideous, even frightening.” I, myself, thought that the turkey in the previous post was pretty good looking. In fact, I thought those shots were the best of the turkey shots I took that day, but he insisted that I should consider myself an educator through my photography. So, in an effort to not put anyone off their next turkey dinner, here are two more turkey shots I took at Morton Refuge.

These shots are of two different birds in the same extended bachelor flock. Up close, each turkey is different from the others. While the bachelors in the group appear very similar to each other from a distance, there are discernable differences. Body size is one. Some are bigger than others. Beard size is another. The beard is that tuft of feathers sticking out near the center of their chests. The real differences, however, are above (and including) the neck. So many magnificent variations on ugly. So ugly, in fact, that like Snapping Turtles, they are beautiful. Just one man’s opinion. JK